With the Live Oak Music Festival passing by, it might seem that people in Santa Barbara County looking to enjoy an outdoor music festival will have to take a road trip, but the Lompoc Valley Flower Festival has proved that notion wrong. The Flower Festival is a five-day event that, if it weren’t for the multitude of attractions and activities, you would think is a summer outdoor music festival.


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Bit by bit, the investors in the Mets are becoming known.James F. McCann, the chairman of told The New York Post that he owns one of the 12 limited shares in the Mets. Each share a 4 percent piece of the Mets costs million. McCann owns the majority of the share but his partners include Anthony Scaramucci, a managing partner of SkyBridge Capital, a hedge fund.


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There are times in everyone's life that everything should go by smoothly without problems. One of the special and most meaningful is preparing for our children's weddings. Rarely do we escape those little problems that seem to pop up out of the blue to cause us a few little heart aches. There are those that seem to weather any eventually and make the evening unfold like a Cinderella story.


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A pipeline project for a water-strapped Oregonian city will harm endangered species of flower and butterfly, an environmental group claims in Federal Court.The effects of the project will result in urban, suburban, commercial, and industrial development and conversion of native prairie habitat, and the Fender's blue butterfly, the Bradshaw's lomatium, the Willamette daisy and the Kincaid's lupine will be adversely affected," the complaint states.


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If you live long enough things get repeated, and sometimes even the bad news goes away and then comes back as good news.For example, when I first got into the fitness and exercise business the message was, “You gotta feel the burn or it doesn’t work” or “Work harder until you feel the pain.”


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The “holiday season” may fall in December, but between graduations, weddings, Fathers Day and the like, you’re hardly off the hook for gift giving this time of year. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered, with a variety of ideas that all involve clever covers for recycled cans, bottles or jars.


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The woman, Ramiro Penaherrera recalls, was from Texas. Probably in her 60s. He never asked her name. It was Memorial Day of last year, and Mr. Penaherrera a flower grower from Ecuador, was handing out roses two at a time one to place atop the headstones at Arlington National Cemetery, the other for visitors to take with them a reminder of loved ones lost.


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The Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center in Piggott hosted its 13th annual Celebration of Quilting on Saturday, May 19, with 83 quilt entries from all across Northeast Arkansas and Southeast Missouri.Event coordinator, museum staff member Johnna Redman, said of this year's event, "We had more different and new types of quilts than ever before, and we also had more quilt entries from the 1920's and 30's than we have ever had before."


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Friends and fellow gardeners kept calling us at the beach last week to say how much rain we were getting back home. Some reported they had gotten four and five inches.Had me so excited, I couldnt wait to check the rain gauge when we returned. But Matt warned me as soon as he glanced in the bed of his truck Not that much looks like less than an inch and a half.


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Written on a wall in Laurie Foon's office in brown crayon is a phrase: "Eco Antique". It sits just above the door and next to an impressive mood board, a colourful collage of vintage images, fashion shoots, quotes, fabric swatches and dangling pieces of fabric. It's here that Foon and her Starfish team come every day to work on the collections that have made the label a much-loved Wellington icon.


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