Lewisville and Flower Mound chiropractor Dr. Randy Butler is urging auto accident victims to seek prompt treatment. According to Dr. Butler, prompt care can make the difference between proper healing and a lifetime of chronic pain.A fender bender may seem like a minor accident, but even accidents at slow speeds can cause serious damage to the musculoskeletal system," said Dr. Butler. "Chiropractic care is a safe, effective treatment for helping accident victims correctly heal. By correcting the mechanical misalignment caused by an accident, we can effectively treat whiplash injuries, headaches and back pain."

Whiplash is one of the most common auto accident injuries. When the force of a rear auto impact whips the cervical spine beyond its normal range of motion, whiplash then occurs. Whiplash victims may suffer chronic neck pain, headaches, and experience difficulty concentrating on simple tasks.

Auto accident victims may also suffer a herniated disc, causing low back pain. "Adjustments are a gentle, hands-on treatment that is extremely effective for helping injury victims heal," said Dr. Butler. "We often combine physiotherapy with these treatments to promote internal healing and help restore natural motion to the neck."

According to Dr. Butler, chiropractic care is an effective treatment for auto accident injuries because it corrects the underlying mechanical misalignment. For example, with a whiplash injury, the cervical spine is pulled out of alignment. If the vertebra compress nearby nerves, patients can experience headaches, neck pain and other chronic problems.

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