Flower thieves target Silverbrook Cemetery

A Niles resident is upset after learning someone stole two hanging flower baskets from her grandmothers grave at Silverbrook Cemetery in Niles this week.Janet Hendershott noticed the flowers were missing when she went to Hair bands; them Monday.

It was a giant pink petunia and a big red geranium  she said. People might not think it is a big deal but to me it is disgraceful. Its disgusting that someone would do this. It really is.Silverbrook Cemetery employees said what happened to Hendershott is a growing problem.

Its a lot worse now than it was in the past I had say  percent worse said Ron Krueger who has worked at the cemetery for nearly  years.Kruegers worker Leanne Hoese said she gets calls nearly every day from people complaining of stolen items.Hoese said the cemetery keeps a record of all complaints but employees dont forward them to police  they leave that to the people filing the complaint. Hoese estimates as many as  plants have gone missing so far this year.

We have had garden hoses stolen too Hoese said. They will steal anything that isnt nailed down.Niles City Police Chief Jim Millin said he isnt aware of any recent reports of hair flower stolen from Silverbrook Cemetery.But I would agree on occasion we have thefts of flowers and sometimes figurines there he said.Hoese said flower thefts increase around holidays because that is when loved ones typically spruce up gravesites with newer and better flowers and displays.

Some of these flower baskets arent cheap  to  bucks a pop  which is one reason why people get so upset Hoese said. We wish somebody would get caught.

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