Eight-year-old Faith Barnett didn’t know Kendall Wiebe.But after 27-year-old Wiebe died due in a strange vehicle crash last Saturday at Crestview Shopping Centre, Barnett wanted to do something special.So the grade three student went to a flower store and wrote a hand-written message, which she laid with a bouquet outside the Portage Avenue hair salon where Wiebe was an employee when she was struck and killed by a runaway Jeep Liberty.

Wiebe was taken off life support earlier this week, and by Wednesday afternoon,a cluster of bouquets were taped up outside the hair salon, which is now closed due to the crash.Wiebe is the mother to a four-year-old girl, and was in a relationship with a man who had two other children.I just felt sorry for the family and how hard it would be for the four-year-old said Barnett, who was with her mother as she delivered the bouquet.So I just wanted to write a nice note and pick out of the best flowers there."

The girl wasn’t the only stranger touched by Wiebes death.At Lacoste Garden Centre on St.Mary’s Road, hundreds of sunflowers were sold with proceeds going to a trust fund set up in Wiebes name at Assiniboine Credit Union.

Claudine Davidson, a translator, showed up to buy a set of potted flowers. She said she didn’t know Wiebe, but the death hit a nerve with her.East Enders Past and Present Going for Olympic Gold

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