So one day I saw a cute-as-a-button toy sock monkey for sale in a gift shop and I just wanted to take it home, name it George, and introduce it to a man in a yellow hat.And though it had a reasonable price tag, I turned my face away, put it back on the shelf and left my money in my pocket. Then I went home, put the kettle on, and thought about how to go about making one it myself.I needed socks. Not just any old socks, and definitely not some old bally pair from the recesses of my bottom drawer.

A shopping trip followed. I never thought I could while away 45 minutes fingering socks in Farmers, but I did. I bought a bunch of pairs, my thoughts being that if I could perfect this little project then hey presto! Perfect baby gift for anyone I know who will procreate in future. There goes the surprise, I guess.

I had a few tries, including this pink effortpink monkey which has yet to be finished because it has been overstuffed and, frankly, I'm not feeling the love for her and her funny sticky-out legs. Perhaps one day I will unpick and try to make her better. But anyway, the good news is that I got there in the end after a few tries. I really, really got there. And if I can, you can. Here's how I did it

Turn one of your socks inside out and lay it on its front so the heel piece is facing you and the open end of the sock is nearest you. Draw a line from about 2cm-3cm below the heel piece down toward the open end. Draw a curved line to create the monkey's foot shape. Sew a line straight down on each side of the drawn line, starting about 4mm away from it. Sew around the end to create curved foot piece. Cut along the straight part of your drawn line. Trim around the feet be careful not to go too close to your stitching or you will cause holes in the seam, and then turn inside out using the hole created at the top of your drawn line in the crotch area This is your monkey's body. Don't be alarmed if you start to feel fondly towards it, I couldn't help but get a little warm fuzzy myself at this point,There are also several annuals and perennials in the list

    ribbon flowers

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