Although I am married with no plans to be single, I recently signed up for several online dating sites as research for a book I am writing. The process was fun until I saw a question asking me to describe my hair. I didn't want to check the "bald" box. I wanted to say I had a shaved head. But a shaved head wasn't a choice So I sighed and checked bald, no doubt setting off an instant downgrade of my profile.

I noticed that several women listed bald as a trait they hoped to avoid. A few even called it a deal-breaker That I was merely lurking on these sites, not actually looking for a date, failed to ease the sting of pre-rejection.Yet their aversion came as no surprise. Like anyone, I have seen how the ravages of male pattern baldness can make even the most youthful and handsome men look old and clownish. But that's only part of the problem.

What is particularly insidious about hair loss is the toll it takes on a man's ego during its slow but steady march, the years of mirror gazing and shower-drain inspecting as he helplessly monitors his hairline's inexorable retreat. The options for dealing with it comb-overs, hair plugs, toupees, topical hair-growing slime, or, most humiliating, the infomercial powder-in-a-can product that promises to fill in thin spots with the squeeze of a spray pump only aggravate feelings of inadequacy.I think the most expensive thing were the tickets, which are even cheaper than last year," Clifford said, noting they had dropped from

The shops the girls are in at school may have something to do with how they've handled prom preparation Brianna is in automotive and Kendyll is in plumbing, and they say the majority of the girls they know within their respective shops are spending similarly to them, while girls they know in cosmetology, for instance, are the ones spending the big bucks.The hardest Commandment: Family relations can be difficult

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