One can always depend on March winds to be blustery, gusty, sweeping and pushy.As winter days more and more often blend with the warm days and chilly nights of an awakening spring, the coming and going of the seasons is blown in and out with hearty, puffing winds.

As much as March's winds sometimes annoy me, they also delight me. I can watch the last surviving leaves of autumn scrape and skip along sidewalks and tumble across yards and fields to disappear, I suppose, in the deepness of the silver and gray woods.It is nature's vacuum cleaner, when old leaves, twigs, branches and dried weeds, seed pods and last year's growth are removed.

Growing up on a farm, I looked forward to the winds of March. They had the power to make huge white and gray clouds race across the sky, and to airbrush the fields of corn husks and moist leaves and runners of last summer's watermelon field. Gusting winds always teased and tickled the swaying tender tips of forest-green wheat in the fields. Daffodil heads bobbed and bowed, pine trees whistled and the wind scattered the bubbling foam of white caps on the creeks and rivers.One March day, when I was about 10, my stepfather showed my twin sister and me how to build a kite.

In today's world, where our youth has been captivated and mesmerized by the electronic gods of miracle technologies, building a kite does seem, at least on the surface, remarkably boring and plain.That Journey is an online game is mystery many players may never discover

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